Keysight / Agilent E4402B Overview
Agilent E4402B
Spectrum Analyzer
The ESA-E Standard Analyzer is an ideal mid-performance spectrum analyzer for general-purpose RF and microwave measurements.
- 0.4 dB overall amplitude accuracy
- +16 dBm TOI
- -166 dBm DANL, with internal preamp
- 1 Hz narrow resolution bandwidth (optional)
- 1 ms sweep time (50 ns 0 span)
- Variable sweep (trace points) from 2 to 8192
- Segmented sweep for up to 32 discontinuous spans in one sweep
- Rugged and portable for lab grade performance in the field
- 5 minute warm-up to guaranteed measurement accuracy
- Fast delivery and favorably priced
Option dependencies;
Option 1AX not compatible with option A4H
Option 226 requires option B72 (increased memory)
Option 225 requires option 1DN, not compatible with option BAH
Option 228 requires option 106,AYX,and B72
Option 229 requires options B7D,B7E,A4H,1D5
Option 230 use KT-E444XA-230
Option 252 requires option BAH and COM or (B7D, B7E, 1D5)
Option A4H ships standard on instrument with serial number greater than
US/MY4144XXXX unless 1AX is ordered; occupies one expansion slot
Option B7D requires options 1D5 and B7E not compatible with option AYX
Option B7E requires options 1D5 and B7D
Option BAA not compatible with option 106, 304, AYQ, COM
Option BAC requires option B72
For published specs options, to include code domain and modulation
accuracy measurements, options B7D,B7E,1D5 are required.
Option BAH requires Options B72 and B7D
for published specs options B7E,A4H,1D5,1D6 are required.
Option UKB requires 1DR
Option changes:
Option B72 (16MB RAM) became standard with serial numbers US4144xxxxx and
above and MY4144xxxxx and above.
Option B74 was discontinued November 1, 2004
Option 106 is no longer available outside of the Option 304 bundle
Option 1D5 is a hardware upgrade for serial numbers before US4421xxxx and
MY4421xxxx. It is enabled by keycode in later instruments.
Keysight defined bundles:
Option 304 is a bundle of:
106 Bluetooth FSK demodulator
1D5 High stability frequency reference
1DS Preamplifier
228 Bluetooth measurement personality
B72 Memory extension
B7D Digital processing and fast ADC
B7E RF communications hardware
Option B74 "RF and digital communications hardware" consists of:
1D5 High stability frequency reference
1D6 Time-gated spectrum analysis
1DR Narrow resolution bandwidths
1DS Preamp
B7D Digital signal processing and fast ADC
B7E RF communications hardware
Option B75 "Performance opts. Bundle" consists of:
1D5 High stability frequency reference
1DR Narrow resolution bandwidths
1DS Preamp
Keysight Express Analyzers:
Option STD "Standard analyzer" consists of:
A4H GPIB and Centronics interface
AYX Fast time-domain sweep
BAA FM demodulation
Option STG "Standard analyzer with tracking generator" consists of:
STD Standard analyzer
1DN Tracking generator
Available options for STD/STG include:
B75, 1AX, 1D5, 1D6, 1DN, 1DR, 1DS, 219, 225, 226, 227, 230, 266, 290
No others options are available for STD/STG configuration on new purchases.
Option COM "Communication test analyzer" consists of:
1D5 High stability frequency reference
1DR Narrow resolution bandwidths
231 ESA to 89600 series software link update
A4H GPIB and Centronics interface
B7D Digital signal processing and fast ADC
B7E RF communications hardware
BAA FM demodulation
Available options for COM include:
1AX, 1D6, 1DS, 219, 226, 227, 229, 230, 252, BAC, BAH, 266, 290
No others options are available for COM configuration on new purchases.
ER defined bundles:
Option DSP is a bundle of:
1D5 High stability frequency reference
B7D Digital processing and fast ADC
B7E RF communications hardware
Option P1 is a bundle of:
1D5 High stability frequency reference
1D6 Time-gated spectrum analysis
1DN Tracking generator
1DR Narrow resolution bandwidths
1DS Preamplifier
A4H GPIB/Centronics
B72 Memory extension
B7D Digital processing and fast ADC
B7E RF communications hardware
BAA FM demodulation
BAC cdmaOne measurement personality
BAH GSM measurement personality
UKB Low frequency extension
Option P2 is a bundle of:
106 Bluetooth FM demodulator
120 Enhanced Wide Offset Phase Noise and ACPR Dynamic Range
226 Phase noise measurement personality
228 Bluetooth measurement personality
A4H GPIB and Centronics interface
B74 RF and digital communications hardware bundle
Option P3 is a bundle of:
106 Bluetooth FM demodulator
120 ACPR dynamic range extension
228 Bluetooth measurement personality
A4J IF and sweep ports
B74 RF and digital communications hardware bundle
UKB Low frequency extension
Option P4 is a bundle of:
106 Bluetooth FM demodulator
120 ACPR dynamic range extension
1D5 High stability time base
1D6 Time gated spectrum analysis
1DN Tracking generator
1DR Narrow resolution bandwidth
1DS Preamplifier
228 Bluetooth measurement personality
A4H GPIB/Centronics interface
A4J IF and sweep ports
B72 Increase memory to 16MB
B7D Digital signal processing
B7E RF communications hardware
BAC cdmaOne measurement personality
BAH GSM measurement personality
Option P5 is a bundle of:
1D5 High stability frequency reference
226 Phase noise measurement personality
229 Modulation analysis personality
A4H GPIB/Centronics interface
B72 Increase memory to 16MB
B7D Digital processing and fast ADC
B7E RF communications hardware
BAC cdmaOne measurement personality
Option P6 is a custom bundle of options:
1D5 High stability frequency reference
1DN Tracking generator
1DR Narrow resolution bandwidths
1DS Preamp
231 ESA to 89600 series software link update
A4H GPIB and Centronics interface
AYQ FM demodulation and quasi peak detector
B7B TV Trigger/Picture
B7D Digital signal processing and fast ADC
B7E RF communications hardware
BAA FM demodulation
H70 70 MHz IF out
UKB 100 Hz low frequency extension
Option P7 is a custom bundle of options:
1D5 High stability frequency reference
1D6 Time-gated spectrum analysis
1DR Narrow resolution bandwidths
1DS Preamp
219 Noise figure measurement personality and hardware
226 Phase noise measurement personality
227 Cable TV field service and analog broadcast measurement personality
229 Modulation analysis measurement personality
A4H GPIB and centronics interface
B7D Digital signal processing and fast ADC
B7E RF communications hardware
BAA FM demodulation
CST Custom configuration
Option P8 is a custom bundle of options:
1D5 High stability frequency reference
1DR Narrow resolution bandwidths
A4H GPIB and centronics interface
BAA FM demodulation
J36 FM deviation personality
Option TEL1 is a bundle of:
1AX RS-232/Centronics Interface
1D5 High Stability Time Base
1D6 Time-gated spectrum analysis
1DN Tracking Generator
1DR Narrow Resolution Bandwidth
1DS Preamplifier
225 Cable Fault Location Personality
Option TEL2 is a bundle of:rsonality
1DN Tracking Generator
A4H GPIB/Centronics Interface
AYX Fast Time Domain Sweep
B74 RF/Digital Communications
B7B TV Trigger/Picture
BAA FM Demodulation
BAC cdmaOne Measurement Personality
BAH GSM Measurement Personality
UK9 Front Panel Cover